Wk1 Discussion Essay: Negotiation

Wk1 Discussion Essay: Negotiation

Wk1 Discussion Essay: Negotiation

1.Which style of negotiations do you tend to have more of an inclination toward, and how has your personality and cultural upbringing helped to influence your tendency to use that style?

What is your best-fit personality temperament?

How might your personality preferences (temperament and interaction style) help you in the negotiation process?

two pages APA style.


2. in file.


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    Please respond to the following item.


    1. What do you think happens when people of the various styles of negotiation meet up with each other (cooperative vs. cooperative, aggressive vs. aggressive, and cooperative vs. aggressive)? Examples from, movies, books or real life would be useful

    There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. It is important, however, that you make at least one reference to your assigned reading for this week and the Power Point Presentation.


    In addition to your posting, you must also respond to two (2) other students’ postings. It is important that all of your work is posted in clear and thoughtful ways with concern for respect, spelling, and grammar along with content and timeliness.


    Two classmate answers

    Tsaliguun Enkhbayar 

    1. Aggressive vs Aggressive: according to “MTSTCIL.org” no date

    aggressive people are very hard to negotiate due to their behavior such as ignoring others opinion because they have their own state of opinion.

    2. Cooperative vs cooperative: according to : “Spangler” 2003 (http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/competitive-cooperative-frames)

    stated ” When individuals or parties enter into a negotiation process to resolve conflict, they will bring a certain orientation to the table in their effort to settle the conflict. The two most basic orientations people adhere to when entering into negotiations are cooperative or competitive. A cooperative approach aligns with the process of interest-based or integrative bargaining, which leads parties to seek win-win solutions. Disputants that work cooperatively to negotiate a solution are more likely to develop a relationship of trust and come up with mutually beneficial options for settlement. The mutual gains approach is considered a constructive resolution process.” seems that this state of negotiation is very stable.

    3. Aggressive vs cooperative: according to Professor:

    this state of negotiation is very Difficult.



    Various people prefer various ways and methods of doing negotiations. Every person or party who goes to a negotiating table does so within their mind having an already preferred way of carrying out the exercise before them and that is what determines the method to be applied. It so often happens that the parties to these negotiations might come with each having different modes of doing the negotiations because there are a number of factors that influences this.

    For example in an event there meets two people who both are cooperative negotiators what is likely to happen is that they will have to adopt a way that is collaborative. This is because as it is inherent up on the parties who are naturally cooperative, they tend to be collaborative also in the sense that they make real effort to understand the issues of the opposing party. This is very likely as they cooperate. When it is an aggressive party meeting with another aggressive party, they are likely to lead each other to competing way of negotiations because they will be seeing negotiations as a game that must be won at whatever cost. This again is likely to happen between parties who have not been sharing any prior relations and are not mindful of any future cordial relations. When a cooperative and an aggressive parties to a negotiation meet they are likely to have to compromise. Either party must be willing to abandon some bit of their hard held styles of negotiation and come to a consensus so that they can at least move to some direction and be able to reach an agreement.