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The Dissemination of EBP Essay
The Dissemination of EBP Essay
The dissemination of EBP results serves multiple important roles. Sharing results makes the case for your decisions. It also adds to the body of knowledge, which creates opportunities for future practitioners. By presenting results, you also become an advocate for EBP, creating a culture within your organization or beyond that informs, educates, and promotes the effective use of EBP.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
To Prepare:
Review the final PowerPoint presentation you submitted in Module 5, and make any necessary changes based on the feedback you have received and on lessons you have learned throughout the course.
Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience.
To Complete:
Create a 5-minute, 5- to 6-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation of your Evidence-Based Project.
Be sure to incorporate any feedback or changes from your presentation submission in Module 5.
Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.
No need for APA format Just place the answer underneath the questions. thank you with their reference please
1. After discussion with your mentor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based practice project. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
2. Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first envisioned it. What led to your current perspective and direction?
3. Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your results to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group?
4. In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice.
5. Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?
6. Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project?The Dissemination of EBP Essay
Nurses have a professional responsibility to actively
participate in the dissemination of practice-based evidence. The 2015 American Nurses Association Code of
Ethics includes the following position on dissemination:
“All nurses must participate in the advancement of the
profession through knowledge development, evaluation, dissemination, and application to practice.”2(p41) A
major reason for sharing best practices is to bring about
change that will contribute to enhanced patient outcomes and satisfaction. Other motives include demonstrating to others evidence of success in your setting and
raising the quality of services and care. Sharing the
results from a successful EBP project, a QI initiative, or
original research increases the likelihood for replication
or duplication in other practice settings. This is an
important process in the advancement of knowledge,
and it provides an opportunity to better understand if a
best practice in 1 setting is transferable to another. What
doesn’t work in practice and lessons learned are also
important to share, so that others may be fully informed.
Unit-specific initiatives that successfully solve a practice problem and measure specific outcomes should be
disseminated outside the practice setting, so that others
may benefit. Writing for publication can be a way for
nurses to share best practice; for example, the journal
Critical Care Nurse has a section titled “In Our Unit,”
where nurses can share their results from unit-based
EBP or QI projects.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
Despite the many technological advances in communication, guidelines on best practice for disseminating
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298 Copyright © 2016 Infusion Nurses Society Journal of Infusion Nursing
evidence and evidence-based information remain the
Traditional ways to share best practices include
speaking before an audience (eg, podium/oral, panel, or
roundtable formats), making poster presentations, or
publishing papers. They are often referred to as the
other 3 Ps for poster, presentation, and paper.
Other ways of sharing best practices that have been
used less often by nursing include small groups, such as
grand rounds, clinical rounds, and brief consultations.
Digitalized communications—for example, the Infusion
Nurses Society’s Web site, Webinars, and podcasts—are
a relatively new method for widely disseminating new
knowledge. The advance of EBP in nursing has sparked
the formation of on-site or online journal clubs as a
means for sharing evidence. Even social media, such as
Twitter, have been used to create microblogging journal
clubs to share postpublication reviews of best
practices.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
Health policy briefs and the media are a timely way
to communicate best practices or changes to a broad
audience. The World Health Organization often uses
health policy briefs as a way to share best practices
around the world. The briefs provide a clear, accessible
overview of timely and important health policy topics.
Finally, media can be used to share best practices.
Examples of this include Reuters Health News, local
and world newspapers, and major television news networks and their affiliates, such as Cable News Network,
the American Broadcasting Company, and the National
Broadcasting Company.
The key concept across all these mechanisms is effective communication.5
Nurses have an obligation to
facilitate the dissemination of new knowledge. This
wider exchange of information through various dissemination methods allows for accumulation and use of
new knowledge in nursing and other disciplines, with
the goal of improving patient care.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
The process of writing and preparing a document for
publication is like learning a new clinical skill.6
the nurse must see the relevance for learning the new
skill. Writing for publication will advance EBP because
other nurses may read and implement the best practices
in their health care setting. Second, the novice nurse
needs an experienced person to demonstrate the skill.
Find a mentor with sufficient writing and publication
experience who is willing to demonstrate the skill of
preparing a document for publication. Third, the nurse
does a return demonstration of the skill by writing a
first draft. Fourth, the nurse gets feedback about how
she or he performed the skill. In this stage, the nurse will
write multiple drafts and the mentor will provide ongoing feedback. Fifth, the nurse works on mastery of the
new skill by submitting a manuscript to a journal and
getting feedback from peer reviewers. At this point,
there are 3 possible responses: the article has been
accepted for publication; the article may be accepted
after the author addresses the reviewers’ comments; or
the journal isn’t interested in publishing the author’s
article at this time. In the last step, the nurse works
toward mastery of writing for publication with guidance from her or his mentor.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
Resources that provide useful information and helpful suggestions to nurses who are thinking about writing for publication can be found at the Wiley-Blackwellsupported Web site, Nurse Author & Editor.
The Web
site contains articles offering advice on writing quality
manuscripts, avoiding rejection, finding publishing
opportunities, editing, and reviewing. A Wiley-Blackwell
publication, Writing for Publication: An Easy to Follow
Guide for Any Nurse Thinking of Publishing Their
Work, can be downloaded free of charge.8
The Oermann
and Hays9
textbook, Writing for Publication in Nursing,
provides helpful tips for writers at all levels.
Finding a writing mentor can be challenging because
many practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses have excellent clinical skills but lack experience in writing for publication. In places where writing
mentors are scarce, nurses can ask their EBP council,
nurse educator, or administrators to sponsor a writingfor-publication workshop. Similar to the way in which
EBP mentors are developed, nurses who complete a
writing workshop can be developed into writing mentors for other nurses at the unit or system level. Another
possible source for writing mentors in an academic
health system is the faculty who teach in the health science disciplines. With the help of administrators or
nurse educators, nurses can reach out to faculty for
writing support or ask experienced faculty to deliver a
writing-for-publication workshop.
The University of Utah College of Nursing has a free,
online course, “Writing for Professional Journals,”
which is open to the public.10 The target audience for
the course is individual learners or practicing nurses in
a professional development track. The course contains
12 modules, and each module includes video lectures,
PowerPoint slides (Microsoft PowerPoint; Microsoft,
Bellevue, WA), readings, and learning activities that
support the overall objective of learning to write for
publication in professional journals.The Dissemination of EBP Essay
Before writing, identify the audience and the journal that
best targets the intended audience. It’s a daunting task
for a novice nurse-writer to find the right journal given
the plethora of options. The goal is to find a journal that
publishes articles related to your topic and target audience, so a good place to start is with nursing journals.
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The Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section
(NAHRS) of the Medical Library Association created
the 2012 NAHRS Selected List of Nursing Journals to
provide nurses and librarians with data on nursing and
interdisciplinary journals to assist with decisions about
where to submit articles for publication.11
A general resource for finding nursing and nonnursing journals is JournalGuide,
12 a Web-based resource to
help authors identify appropriate journals for publication.
Authors can easily search for and compare journals by
typing in their manuscript title or keywords.
Beware of predatory publishers who publish counterfeit journals in which the author is required to pay to
have his or her article published.13 These publishers set
up Web sites that closely resemble respectable online
journals and publish low-quality articles. They promise
shortened time to publication and lack a rigorous peer
review process and practices used by conventional
scholarly publishers. The Scholarly Open Access Web
site, developed by librarian Jeffrey Beall, provides a list
of stand-alone potential, possible, and probable predatory online journals. If you are considering publishing
your work in an online journal, check this Web site first
( Dissemination of EBP Essay
Once a few journals have been identified, navigate to
the journal Web site and read the description of the
journal. Look closely at the last few issues of the journal. Look at the article topics. Are they similar to your
topic? Look at how the articles are structured and written (eg, the type of headings; number and style of tables
and figures; and images). Ask yourself if the readers of
the journal would find your best practice or project
results useful.
Assess if the journal is specialized or general interest.
For example, the Journal of Infusion Nursing is the
official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society and
publishes new research, clinical reviews, case studies,
and professional development information relevant to
the practice of infusion therapy. The audience is health
care providers who participate in the delivery of infusion therapy. In contrast, Nursing Research is more
general interest, publishing articles on health promotion, human responses to illness, acute care nursing
research, symptom management, cost-effectiveness, vulnerable populations, health services, and communitybased nursing studies. It appeals to health providers in
various specialties.
Another consideration that is gaining importance
and may influence the process of journal selection is a
journal’s impact factor (IF). In broad terms, this is a
measure of the “worth” of a journal. It is calculated by
tallying the number of citations in a given year made to
all the content that a journal has published in the previous 2 years, divided by the total number of citable items
published in the journal in the previous 2 years.14 For
example, if a journal has an IF = 1 in 2014, then its
articles published in 2012 and 2013 received 1 citation
each on average in 2014. IF does not reflect the quality
of an article or its impact on practice and should only
be used to compare journals that publish material on
the same subject because of the differences in citation
behavior in different subject areas.14
In an effort to strengthen the quality and transparency
of reporting in the biomedical literature, standards for
reporting the results of different types of studies were
first created in the late 1990s. The first reporting standards were meant to help authors with reporting results
from single randomized control trials (Consolidated
Standards of Reporting Trials, CONSORT)15 and metaanalyses (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses,
QUORUM).16 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) is the updated
version of QUORUM.17 These specific standards guide
authors with the reporting of relevant information that
is necessary to assess the methodological quality of a
study. Moreover, if these standards are adhered to, it
can aid the translation of evidence into practice, and
critical appraisal and worth to practice may be assessed
more easily because all the relevant information is
included in the report.
All journals have author guidelines that specify how
to write and submit a document for publication. They
can be found on the journal’s Web site. More nursing
journals are specifying that authors follow appropriate
standard reporting guidelines when preparing manuscripts for publication.18 For example, the American
Journal of Nursing, the Journal of Nursing Care
Quality, and the Journal of Pediatric Nursing require
authors to show evidence of use of the Standards for
QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE)
guidelines if submitting a QI report.The Dissemination of EBP Essay