NR 228  Unit 6 Discussion Latest

NR 228  Unit 6 Discussion Latest

NR 228  Unit 6 Discussion Latest

Case Studies (graded, 25 points)

This unit’s discussion involves four case studies (click here to download). In addition to reviewing the case studies, please locate the case study assignment document, loaded into Doc Sharing by your instructor, to view the case study number that has been assigned to you. For this discussion, you are the teacher! You are responsible for responding to peers comments or questions about your particular case study!

Once you have a case study, be sure to answer the associated questions and post your response no later than Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. MT. Then, read what your peers discovered while completing their case studies. Keep in mind that you cannot post on Tuesday and then not again until Sunday. I will expect to see interactive dialogue and responses in a timely manner, for full credit.

In addition to responding to a case study that is not your own, you are to ensure that all questions and comments related to your case study are addressed. Remember, you are the discussion facilitator!