ITEC 5020 Capella University Data Modeling and Design Paper

ITEC 5020 Capella University Data Modeling and Design Paper

ITEC 5020 Capella University Data Modeling and Design Paper


This assignment has two parts each. Include information from both Part 1 and Part 2 in the deliverable you submit for this assignment.



Part 1

For Part 1, review the SRS and identify all the data fields that must be captured for the database. Once you have you have identified all of the data fields, go through the list to consolidate and eliminate any redundant fields. It is not crucial that they are in the correct tables yet because that will be completed in Part 2 of this assignment. Note the data types and sizes for each of the fields. Section 6 of the SRS provides you with a list of the required tables, along with some of the data fields that must be captured. Refer to the SRS Review video (linked in the Resources in Week 1) of a walk-through of Section 6.

Complete the following steps for Part 1 of this assignment:

  1. Analyze the documents and determine the data fields necessary for the database.
  2. Consolidate and eliminate redundant data fields.
  3. Determine the data type and size for each field.
  4. Place your information in an MS Word document. Name your document, following this pattern: LastName_Week4.docx.
Part 2

For Part 2, create an ERD that applies business rules and processes to the database design. Use the data fields you defined in Part 1 as a basis to normalize the database, one normal form at a time. You are not required to submit each normal form because the list of required tables was already provided to you. However, it is informative to go through the normalization steps for each required table. Explain your database design choices based on the business processes from the SRS. Extend the ERD to include the column data types, sizes, and keys based on MySQL.

Complete the following steps for Part 2 of this assignment:

  1. Create an ERD and apply business constraints.
  2. Paste your ERD into your MS Word document.
  3. Normalize the data showing the ERD normalized in 3NF.
  4. Accurately define the column data types and keys for each data field.
  5. Explain the ERD and defend your design choices.
  6. Add this information to your MS Word document


attachment_1Data Modeling and Design

Learner’s Name

Capella University

ITEC5020 Application and Database Development

Data Modeling and Design

August 2020


In this example, we will review various source documents related to an order entry system and identify the data fields that should be present in the order entry system. These data fields can be converted to a database format by eliminating redundant data fields.

We will review various source documents such as the “Add Customer” document, “Categories and Product Report” document, “Place Order” document, and “Order Details Report” document.

First, let us analyze the “Add Customer” document. The fields present in the document are as follows:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Phone
  • Email

Next, we will consolidate these data fields. We can create a database table called “customer,” which will contain the fields present in the “Add Customer” document. This table should have a primary key that uniquely identifies each row in the table “customer.” Among the fields, first name, last name, address, city, state, or zip cannot be considered as the primary key because two customers might have the same first name, last name, address, city, state, or zip. Phone and email are unique to each customer. However, considering the size of these fields, they should not be declared as primary keys. ITEC 5020 Capella University Data Modeling and Design Paper

To solve the issue of the primary key, each customer can be assigned a unique id. The “customer” table will look something like the following:

id first_name last_name address city state zip phone email
1 Harry Smith 107 Pega Street Los Angeles California 90086 357-8076
2 Kane Williams 897 Harwin Street Miami Florida 33120 231-9065

Table “customer”

The “customer” table does not contain any redundant data. Hence, this table should not be normalized.

The “id” of a customer will be an integer value. However, we will declare the data type of “id” as “serial.” The advantage of using “serial” data type is that when a new customer is added, his/her “id” will be automatically generated. Suppose there are three customers. When a new customer is added, his/her “id” will be 4. For the rest of the fields, we will declare the data type as “varchar.” The data type “varchar” is used when the size of the data entered in a column is not fixed.

Now, let’s see the data types and size of the fields of “customer” table:

Fields Data Type Data Size
id (primary key) serial 4 bytes
first_name varchar The field can hold a maximum of 20 characters.
last_name varchar The field can hold a maximum of 20 characters.
address varchar The field can hold a maximum of 200 characters.
city varchar The field can hold a maximum of 50 characters.
state varchar The field can hold a maximum of 50 characters.
zip varchar The field can hold a maximum of 10 characters.
phone varchar The field can hold a maximum of 12 characters.
email varchar The field can hold a maximum of 50 characters.

Next, let us analyze the “Product Report” document. The fields present in the report are as follows:

  • category_name
  • product_name

We can create the table “product and category” considering the fields present in the “Product and Categories Report” document as follows:

category_name product_name
Bedroom Krys solid wood king-size bed, Olivia solid wood queen-size bed
Dining Kelly solid wood dining chair, Imara solid wood dining table

We can see that one category of furniture can have more than one product. In that case, the table “product and category” has a multi-valued field “product_name.” Hence, this table is not normalized. We will have to convert this table to the first normal form (1NF) so that one field contains a single value. The following table is in 1NF:

category_name product_name
Bedroom Krys solid wood king-size bed
Bedroom Olivia solid wood queen-size bed
Dining Kelly solid wood dining chair
Dining Imara solid wood dining table

The primary key of the “product_and_category” table is a composite key that contains the fields “category_name” and “product_name.” The table also contains redundant data. A database must have a single-column primary key in the second normal form (2NF). Hence, the table “product and category” is not in 2NF. We must split the table into two different tables: “category” and “product.”

Let us assign a unique id to each category that will be the primary key of the table “category.” The “category” table will look something like the following:

id category_name
1 Bedroom
2 Dining

Table “category”

The “category” does not contain any redundant data; hence, it should not be normalized again.

Now, let’s see the data types and size of the fields of “category” table:

Field Data Type Data Size
id (primary key) serial 4 bytes
category_name varchar The field can hold a maximum of 50 characters.

We will also assign a unique id to each product that will be the primary key of the table “product.” In the “product” table, “category_key” is a foreign key that references the primary key “id” of the “category table.” The “product” table can also have some extra fields such as “product_description” and “unit_price.” The “product” table will look something like the following:

id product_name product_description unit_price category_key
1 Krys solid wood king-size bed The dimensions (in inches) of the bed are H 36.5 × W 78 × D 82.5; the color is white; the warranty is 36 months. $350 1
2 Olivia solid wood queen-size bed The dimensions (in inches) of the bed are H 39.2 × W 65.5 × D 85.5; the color is provincial teak; the warranty is 48 months. $275 1
3 Kelly solid wood dining chair The dimensions (inches) of the dining chair are H 37 × W 17 × D 18; the color is provincial teak; the warranty is 24 months. $40 2
4 Imara solid wood dining table The dimensions (in inches) of the dining are H 45 × W 40 × D 30; the color is provincial teak; the warranty is 36 months. $300 2

Table “product”

Now, let’s see the data types and size of the fields of “product” table:

Fields Data Type Data Size
id (primary key) serial 4 bytes
product_name varchar The field can hold a maximum of 200 characters.
product_description varchar The field can hold a maximum of 1,000 characters.
unit_price varchar The field can hold a maximum of 10 characters.
category_key (foreign key) int 4 bytes

Now, we will analyze the “Place Order” document. The data fields present in the “Place Order” document are “customer_id” and “product_id,” and they are already present in the tables “customer” and “product,” respectively. When the “customer_id” and “product_id” are selected and the “Place Order” button is pressed, a new order will be placed. We will create a table named “order” to store information about the orders. The “order” table will have the following fields: “id,” which will uniquely identify an order; “customer_id,” which is a foreign key that references the primary key of the table “customer;” “order_date;” and “status.” The “order” table will look something like the following:

id customer_id order_date status
1 1 2018-02-15 Delivered
2 2 2018-03-19 Pending

Table “order”

The “order” table does not contain any redundant data. Hence, it should not be normalized.

Now, let’s see the data types and size of the fields of “order” table:

Field Data Type Data Size
id (primary key) serial 4 bytes
customer_id (foreign key) int 4 bytes
order_date date 3 bytes
status varchar The field can hold a maximum of 10 characters.


Next, we will analyze the “Order Details Report” document. We can create a table “order_details” based on the Order Details Report with the following fields:

  • order_id
  • order_date
  • status
  • customer_id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • address
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • phone
  • email
  • product_id
  • quantity

However, the fields “order_id, “order_date,” and “status” are already present in the “order” table. Similarly, “customer_id,” “first_name,” “last_name,” “address,” “city,” “state,” “zip,” “phone,” and “email” are already present in the “customer” table. Instead of including the fields that are already present in the “order” and the “customer” table, we can include the following fields in the “order details” table.

  • order_id, which references the primary key “id” of the table “order”
  • product_id, which references the primary key “id” of the table “product”
  • quantity
order_id product_id quantity
1 2 3
2 4 2

Table “order_detail”

The table “order_detail” does not contain any redundant data; hence, it should not be normalized.

Now, let’s see the data types and size of the fields of “order details” table:

Field Data Type Data Size
order_id int 4 bytes
product_id int 4 bytes
quantity int 4 bytes