APA Template for our Papers Assignment
APA Template for our Papers Assignment
Title of Paper
Your Name
Grand Canyon University: Course Name , number , section
Lisa Arends, Faculty
Permalink: https://eaziessay.com/apa-template-for…apers-assignment/
Title of Your Paper
Brief opening that introduces the topic and gives a summary of what your paper will cover. This is required in all papers and is listed in the grading rubrics under thesis statement or something similar.
First Topic
For your papers use a level 1 heading (illustrated above) as the first heading following your introduction. I would suggest using assignment requirements shortened into a phrase as headings. The heading should be bold centered and have important words capitalized (title case). Break your section into paragraphs each with its own topic sentence. For papers in our course I would suggest using only level one headings and creating one for each required area listed in the grading rubric/instructions. As illustrated above level 1 heading are bold centered and in title case ( all words with four or more letters start with a capital letter).
If you decide to have subsections rather than just using level 1 as I suggest, you would use a level 2 heading like this next.
Subsection Level 2 Heading
Level 2 headings are flush left, bold and use title case. You would write about your sub section topic here .. eventually make another sub heading and more level one Headings (Main sections). Use level 2 headings only if you have subtopics from the main topic. Reminder, they are only used in APA if more than one is needed.
Subsection Level 2 Heading
This would be the next sub section. Only use a level 2 heading/ sub section if you have at least 2 subsections. You would also be correct in just using level 1 headings for each main topic and dividing the sub topics into paragraphs.
Another Topic
I would suggest using a shortened phrase that represents the assignments requirements as your headings, as it will help you to organized, and it will section things off so you can focus on each required topic. Your final level 1 heading will be “Conclusion” In which you summarize important points from your paper. Then you would begin the reference page, which is always on a page of it’s own.
A brief review of important points your paper covered goes here. Never introduce new information in your conclusion.
Arends, L (2018). Title in regular font without title case. DOI or retrieved from info. You can
find info on how to format references in our APA resource area. Some tips, use the organization’s name in the author spot if no author is listed, and use the hanging indent on all lines except the first. If there is only one reference the label should say reference.
I included the references from our unit 2 assigned reading below.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2018). Creating a more highly
qualified nursing workforce. Retrieved from https://www.aacnnursing.org/News-Information/Fact-Sheets/Nursing-Workforce
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2017). The impact of education on
nursing practice. Retrieved from
American Nurses Association [ANA]. (n.d.) Scope of practice. Retrieved from
American Nurses Association [ANA]. (n.d. a) What is nursing. Retrieved from
Dean, J. (2018). Practice and competency development. In Dynamics in Nursing Art & Science
of Professional Practice. Eds Grand Canyon University Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs430v/dynamics-in-nursing-art-and-science-of-professional-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/3