Discussion: Theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

NRS 433V Week 2 Discussion: Theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

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The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature.

NRS433V Week 5 DQ 2 EBP Example Paper

According to the textbook, nurses in various settings are adopting a research-based (or evidence-based) practice that incorporates research findings into their decisions and interactions with clients. How do you see this being applied in your workplace?

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the incorporation of “clinical expertise, most up-to-date research, and patient’s preferences to formulate and implement best practices for patient care” (Schmidt, 2018). Nursing practice has evolved overtime, many archaic practices are no more valid, as the role of evidence based practice in “supporting nursing care and contribute positively to patient outcomes across a variety of settings and geographic locations cannot be over stressed” (Profetto-McGrath, 2005). Research evidences has greatly expanded over years in nursing, medicine and other health care disciplines. This is necessary to meet the society and public expectations of health care systems in delivering high quality patient focused health care. EBP is indispensable to nursing, as it forms the basis of nursing care in the achievement of personalized and holistic patients’ care and provides opportunity for individualized, effective and dynamic nursing care [and this enhances efficient] clinical judgment which invariable encourages better patients’ outcome.

I work in long term acute care facility where most of our patients are geriatrics, vent dependent and at times unconscious. On few occasions the doctor order Foley catheter for patients that does  not really need it, but nurses have been able to advocate for such patients and condemn the order incorporating evidence based reasons why inappropriate urinary catheter placement can be harmful to the patient. Also, for patient that catheterization is necessary, nurses always ensure thorough assessment for the right indications (such as urologic surgery, neurogenic bladder, etc.) and sterile precautions duly observed during insertion and daily maintenance to prevent catheter associated urinary tract infection that studies has confirmed to be the “most prevalent healthcare-associated infection worldwide” (Mavin & Mill, 2015).



Martha, S. (2018). Nursing research: Understanding methods for the best practice. Application of

evidence based research in nursing practice. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs433v/nursing-research-understanding-methods-for-best-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/5

Mavin, C., & Mill, G. (2015). Using quality improvement method to prevent catheter associated

UTI. Retrieved from   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26450817

Profetto-McGrath, J. (2005). Critical Thinking and Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of

Professional    Nursing21(6), 364–371. Discussion: Theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2005.10.002